
1. Hemp insulation project in San Vito, Puglia – Preparation

Some time back we looked at building a property completely with hemp in Southern Italy (Puglia). Well that didn’t go to plan…..

We spent around 5 years trying to find a Geometra that would “enable” our hemp build and after a lot of headaches, we had to settle for plan B.

The new plan B Property


We purchased an existing “deposito” (Garage) and decided that we would insulate with hemp as opposed to build from scratch. This plan was ok’d by our Geometra and so the journey began.

The plan was to use hemp and lime and create a 100mm insulative envelope inside the existing building.

So step 1: We would first have to ensure that we converted the building use to residential (from agricultural) and at the same time apply for planning permission to build an extention which would include our lounge and kitchen. The existing Deposito initially consisted of 2 rooms. One large garage seperated by a internal wall and a small storeroom (see above image). The main front 4 doors in the picture above was the entrance to the main garage part while the side door (next to the bench) was the entrance to the small storeroom.

Included in our property was another small toilet/storeroom/well pump room, which stood off to the side of the main deposito.

The additional small toilet/storeroom

We decided that the in the new plan we would add to this small toilet/storeroom by adding another “deposito” with the maximum size we could get away with and turn this into a studio/office. This idea was also added to our application for planning permission, together with the option to build a swimming pool, (definitely needed in summer here in Puglia).

Inside the main deposito with the wall separating the garage and small storeroom

Its amazing what was left behind which was everything in the above image, (trailer excluded). There were plates, glasses, pots pans chairs etc etc. Job number one was to sort everything and give away or dump whatever was inside.

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